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Engagement Tips for Employees

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

Engagement is the strength of the mental and emotional connection employees feel toward the work they do, their teams, and their organization.

Be involved in any internal or external training programs.

When training programs are available at your work place, put your hand up to participate. Not only will you gain all the benefits from the programs, but it also shows your manager you are active in the workplace and willing to learn more.

The various formats they are offered in might be:

Face to face training

Face to face training is the most traditional way of learning. It also tends to the have the best results as learners are more involved in their learning. Some benefits include:

- You can ask questions throughout the session and receive guidance from your tutor.

- Gives you the chance to collaborate and discuss learning points with your colleagues.

- You are actively involved in these sessions and can have an input at any time. you can resolve problems with the guidance of your tutor.

Online webinars/modules

Online webinars are great for learning as they are similar to face-to-face training but can be done from anywhere.

- They’re convenient and accessible. Webinars can be completed anywhere as long as you have an internet connection.

- In some cases, they can be completed in your own time and you can work through it at your own pace.

- Its affordable. Majority of the time, the workplace has fully paid for the training session and are offering it to you for free to complete. They may also let you complete the task during work hours.

- Learning modules are interactive and you can review what you have learnt and come back to it anytime.

Video learning programs

Video learning programs are great for visual learners. Some people find it hard to sit in a seminar and listen to someone talk in front of the group. Videos give visual demonstrations of the content being learnt.

- You will be able to complete the videos at your own pace and can pause the clips at any time. this gives you extra time to write notes while the video is paused.

- Easy to rewind and repeat the important facts.

- Easy to follow along and shows visual demonstrations.


Mentorships benefit both the mentee and mentor. The mentor gains leadership skills and learns how to share knowledge with other colleagues. The mentee learns new information about the role and will also develop their skills. They are able to expand their knowledge and broaden their existing skillset.

- You will become more qualified and broaden your skillset.

- The mentor role will provide you with leadership skills

- As the mentee you will learn a new role which will qualify you for new positions in the future.

- You will both learn how to collaborate effectively and work together as a team.

Engagement is the constant development of an emotional relationship. In a business sense it is the emotional level the individual has with their manager, team and organisation.

Submit feedback to your manager

When feedback is being requested, give an honest and constructive reply

When asked to give feedback it’s important to reply with honesty and respect. This isn’t trying to make anyone feel bad, it’s about improving the work environment and how you can make the workplace a better place. If you don’t address the issues bothering, nothing will change, and nothing will improve.

Let your manager know how the workplace could improve

Provide feedback on what you want to see change in the workplace. you might also take this time to express any concerns you have about the workplace. a good example is providing specific examples on what they can do to make work easier for you. You might ask for an extra printer so when its busy you’re able to complete work on time. you might ask for something not as practical but important to staff wellbeing. You can suggest more group activities to be held so your team can build a stronger bond.

Let your manager know what they could do better

If your manager has given you the chance to provide constructive criticism, take this time to let them know what they do well and what they could change/improve. It’s good to provide suggestions on how they can improve and use recent examples to prove your point. For example, you might have an issue on how they provide feedback. You find their feedback isn’t constructive and it is offensive to your character rather than your work. Let them know you feel this way so they can take more care with how they address future issues. They might not realize they are coming across this way and will try to provide more helpful feedback in regard to your work.

Suggest new ideas to your manager (work and wellbeing related

If you think the workplace is missing something that isn’t necessarily work related, but you think it might be a benefit to the company, suggest these ideas to your manager. This might be asking for a seating area outside, so you can have lunch in the sun and sit in nature. This improves your wellbeing while also providing clarity for when you return to work. It’s important to have a nice space for breaks to improve mood.

Engage with other staff members in a social manner.

Get to know your colleagues

Talk to other staff and ask them questions like how is their day or what did they do on the weekend. An example might be if you are standing at the coffee machine with someone you don’t know well, you might ask for their name and what department they’re from. Casual conversation allows for friendships to start and everyone will become more comfortable at work. It builds a positive atmosphere at work.

If you just started a new job, meet your team and learn their names

If you’re new to a workplace get to know the staff the you’re working with and find out what their interests are. You might learn you share a similar hobby and can build a friendship over this interest. If you work in a customer service, you might try and learn the regular’s names and how their day is. Customers enjoy talking about their own life and it builds a positive relationship between the staff and customers.

Take part in after work functions

Try and talk to everyone and when invited to work functions always participate when you can. An example might be that everyone in your department goes for after work drinks on a Friday. Join them and get to know your coworkers better.

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